The more aware I become the longer my gratitudes get. I’ve become aware of the importance of the inventors, manufacturers, farmers, store clerks, truckers, service and utility providers, etc.. The more I become aware of the very many things I wouldn’t have if these people didn’t provide for me/us, thus, the more gratitude I feel the need to express.

I think my compulsive use of gratitude began as an attempt to engage the Law of Attraction and to manifest the outcomes I desired (if they be in the best interest of all involved).

For example, when my cats leave the house, I say/think Thank you Great Spirit for watching over all the cats you entrusted to my care. Thank you for keeping them safe, healthy, satisfied, existing with ease, and content to stay close to home.

And I say to the cats Thank you for staying close and safe. Thank you for making good choices for your safety and thank you for heeding the wisdom of your angels to guide you to what you need.

[This is an excellent thing to say to your children when they leave the house. As Dr. Phil says ‘You are not the only voice in your child’s head, so you need to be the loudest.’ And I interpret loudest to mean the most consistent and frequent. If you do so daily, it will become part of their programming; one of the many guiding voices in their head.]

When something in my life or body isn’t working perfectly, I like to add it to my gratitudes with the hope of attracting more perfection or engaging the help of the spirits who watch over me. In the following, you’ll see evidence of this as give special attention to my back/neck, knees, teeth and gums, and to this website.

Here is what I say/think while I am brushing my teeth before bed:

Thank you Great Spirit  for all my strong, healthy and beautiful teeth, gums, hair, nails, and skin.*

Thank you for my magnificent physical body and all my energy bodies, for all my phenomenal operating systems and for all my perfectly functioning organs.

Thank you for every vertebrae, bone, muscle, tendon, ligament, cartilage, menisci, veins, arteries, capillaries, glands, and ducts.

Thank you for the plentiful synovial fluid surrounding all my joints and each vertebra.

Thank you for the plentiful collagen flowing through all my miraculous connective tissue. Thank you for the plentiful enamel protecting each strong, healthy and beautiful tooth.

Thank you for every cell, every molecule, every atom, and all the wonderful free-flowing chi in and around all of them, swirling through my chakras and flowing through my meridians.


When I remember, I add a blessing and gratitude for my dentist and his loved ones.

In Part 1, I shared the first half of my bedtime gratitude. The second half is lengthier and grew as I became more aware. It also got longer after reading Ask Your Guides: Connecting to Your Divine Support System by Sonia Choquette. I have since shortened it by leaving out specifics, but I will share with you the full version.

Thank you and many blessings to all the spirits of my ancestors, friends and pets on all planes of existence.

Thank you for the great many things you have done, are doing and will do on my behalf. Thank you always for your love, your protection, your many blessings, your guidance, your wisdom, your insight, and your inspiration.

Thank you for the great many synchronicities you have orchestrated, are orchestrating and will orchestrate so that I or someone else may

  • remain safe,
  • meet someone who is or will lead you to someone who is important for your journey,
  • receive a message about their path
  • practice a needed or desired virtue
  • learn or teach lessons,
  • challenge or change a negative. limiting belief
  • grow, heal, or awaken.

Thank you for guiding me to the fulfillment of my Sacred Contract.

And thank you for making Return Love a very prosperous and purposeful website, helping thousands of people a day to learn, grow, heal, and awaken. Blessed Be.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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