A Box of Thoughts # 2

I have boxes of thoughts because ideas “pop” into my head. I believe these are thoughts delivered to me by my higher self, my spirit guides or my guardian angel. I have seen no proof that they exist beyond the effects I have seen through the unfolding of my life.

I believe many of these thoughts are important.

I have boxes of thoughts because I need to write down every one. I have pens and pads everywhere in the house. I have a set in my car and one in my bag.

Sometimes they perpetuate a topic. These get to be posts.

Getting them organized and onto the computer is a slow process.

It made me think of carrying a recorder with me. And that made me think of the movie Nightshift (1982) where Michael Keaton’s character carries one around because he’s an ‘idea man’ and he can’t stop the ideas from coming and he doesn’t want to forget any.

One of the ideas he had was edible paper to reduce garbage and I heard something about that recently. Either in China or Europe, they invented edible paper for the fast food industry. The writers were ahead of their time!

[I had to re-watch the movie after writing this. I hadn’t recognized or had forgotten that this was actually a story about learning, personal growth, and synchronicities leading you where you need to go. When you meet people and what transpires following the meeting can change your life – if you let it.

  • You marry at the level of your self-esteem. Marie Osmond [I add my recommendation: Gain self-acceptance and believe in your self-worth before getting married, to avoid almost inevitable pain, suffering, and divorce.]
  • If you had to describe yourself to a sketch artist without a mirror, how accurate do you think your description would be?  You would likely describe your perceived flaws and the features you don’t like more specifically. In addition, it has been proven that women, when shown silhouettes of body-types and sizes, will generally choose a body-type and size bigger than they actually are. (Flawed body image.)
  • Chicks dig scars! –on guys maybe, but definitely not on themselves!
  • Taco Bell commercial: “If you brought home regular appetizers, you’d be sharing them by now.”  Selfishness has become a marketing strategy?
  • I was listening to an old mixed tape for nostalgia. The song was “Hey Jealousy.” [Throwing in some trivia – can you name the band?] The lyrics go “If you don’t expect too much from me, you might not be let down.” Might not? A perfect commentary on expectations.
  • With lovely thoughts of the impending spring, comes the dread of the loss of the winter’s silence. A cacophony of yard equipment, more dogs barking, and children screaming spoil the peace I seek. [Why hasn’t anyone invented quiet yard equipment yet?]
  • Mom’s have a lot of political and consumer power.
  • A cat’s purr is a vibrational lift for me.
  • It’s simpler to hate someone than it is to examine what you fear about them. Fear and love are the only pure emotions.


Any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them below.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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