Do you want to help change lives, save lives and change the world? This is a rare instance where one share, one click, can lead to all that. Your six degrees of separation may be the key.

Will you help me do the following?

  • Fulfill my sacred mission
  • Let everyone know the “cure” for soul-sickness, which creates the meek and the bullies/tyrants, has been uncovered.
  • Spread the word, so it can’t be suppressed.
  • Find the preordained torch-bearer who will get this information out to the masses ASAP.
  • Begin the process of resuming human evolution – saving humanity and the planet – by creating peace on earth.


Would you like to see a guided approach for growing into the best version of you, whether you’re six, sixteen or sixty? Do you want to be prepared for whatever comes along? Would you like to see a path for effortlessly ascending to a higher level of consciousness and becoming an evolved human?

Until now, we haven’t had the necessary knowledge or tools to fulfill our true potential (individually or collectively). No hyperbole. No joke. A new (r)evolutionary, paradigm-shifting, life-changing, and world-changing developmental approach exists and needs to be revealed to everyone.

To make a very long story very short; over several years, a series of insights, tools and a new word came to me from out of the blue. I later recognized that out of the blue meant divinely delivered. A few years after resigning from my tenured position, I began working on a book based on the first three divine deliveries. After more than nine years of working on it, two new deliveries led me to uncover critical concepts that we’ve gotten wrong and the missing links in human development, thus, human evolution. In short, the answers to all the ills plaguing humanity were delivered to me, along with the cures.

The Time Has Come To Pass the Torch

Although I was gifted with the stewardship of the information, I just can’t organize it all, nor do I have the platform or the resources to get it out to the masses before the spreading darkness reaches a tipping point.

Over a year ago, the universe compelled me to reach out to Russell Brand and offer it to him. My attempts were unsuccessful. Beyond Russell Brand, there are two spiritually-sanctioned people with existing platforms that are already linked to the material, unbeknownst to them, whom I would trust to fulfill the mission.

  1. Eckhart Tolle: In A New Earth, he describes “the collective human dysfunction.” This material addresses healing and eliminating it in today’s population and preventing it in future generations.
  2. Marianne Williamson: I recently spotted her book Healing The Soul Of America on my shelf and knew what I had will heal the souls of Americans (and all humans).

If this letter doesn’t find its’ way to the chosen torch-bearer, the only other option I see is to sell the intellectual property in an anonymous auction. (I don’t need credit and I don’t want to be famous.)

So many trivial things go viral these days, so please let everyone know this (r)evolutionary path has been received, and help this world-changing appeal find its way to the chosen messenger. If you want to change the world, please help me fulfill my mission, under grace and in a perfect way.

With much love and gratitude, Rev. Michele

P.S. This is an extremely abbreviated version of all I wanted to say as to not turn off those with short attention spans. So, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.