Tag Low Self-Esteem

An Open Letter to a Stalled Species: On Resuming Evolution

It is a rare moment in time when it can be said that the future of the planet and its inhabitants are under severe, life-changing threats from fires, floods, eruptions, rising temperatures, and drought, both literally and figuratively. We are… Continue Reading →

An Open Letter To Humanity: Our (R)Evolution, My Mission

Do you want to help change lives, save lives and change the world? This is a rare instance where one share, one click, can lead to all that. Your six degrees of separation may be the key. Will you help me… Continue Reading →

New Eyes

New Eyes Just as the divinely and timely delivered nine assignments guided me to see myself, my development and general human development with “new eyes,” the ego insights guided me to see ten years of work with “new eyes.” The… Continue Reading →

Gifts 4 and 5: The Missing Link

The fourth gift was the missing link I didn’t know was missing from the book. This opened my mind for the fifth, which revealed the real missing link: the answer to why humans haven’t evolved further by now when we… Continue Reading →

Evocation: Part 2

When this wheel stopped squeaking, it started moaning quietly, giving me more points of self-consciousness and insecurity. Shortly after the “seal cough,” I began experiencing all manners of skin eruptions. First was dermatitis, in the form of big water blisters… Continue Reading →

Are You Sabotaging Your Relationships?

We don’t have to do anything to ruin our relationships beyond believing we are not worthy of love. This belief will control our behavior and continue to sabotage our relationships, unless and until we believe we are worthy of love… Continue Reading →

What Do We Need In Order To Believe In Ourselves?

Believing in ourselves is a synonym for confidence and self-esteem. I prefer this term because it is more descriptive, and feels active, as opposed to passive. Based on the spiritual presupposition that we all came into this life perfect* and… Continue Reading →

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