The first 7 things were published on Tiny Buddha by Lori Deschene. Please read them first.


  1. I am the only person I can control.

The expectation of change affects many relationships. Understanding and embracing this will eliminate expectations or at least create realistic expectations in your relationships.

For me, my mantra became No Expectations, No Disappointment.

   We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. –Sam Keen

All I can control is my thoughts, my words and my actions/behavior. My thoughts affect my feelings. When I think differently, I will see things differently and I will feel and act differently.

  1. Everything is a choice.

Our thoughts, or words, our reactions, and our behaviors are all the result of a choice we made. We give ourselves permission to think, say or do anything, whether we are aware of it or not. Once you recognize this, your self-control and self-discipline will improve along with your relationships.

  1. I create my experiences; my reality.

Each person’s individual reality is a manifestation of perceptions, expectations, fears, judgments, beliefs and desires. Things are only “good” or “bad” because    that is how I perceive them.  When I can perceive from a belief that everything happens for a reason (EHFAR) and that there are lessons I am here to learn, I will perceive differently.

  1. Every ‘problem’ is an opportunity to learn, grow, heal and/or awaken.

With this knowledge, I can actually be grateful for the difficult people and situations in my life. I can see the lessons created for me in the difficulties. This will decrease my suffering and shift my perception greatly.

  1. Life is about learning and growing.

The more I open myself up to new ideas, new experiences and new challenges, the more I learn and grow. I learn and grow so I may become more of who I was meant to be.

  1. The right way is rarely the easy way.

I become more of who I am to become as I take risks, face and release my fears, tackle challenges, resolve emotional issues, and attain goals.

  1. Peace and happiness are way more important to me than being right or winning.

This mantra is a way of taming the ego.

  1. Rejection is a sign that something wasn’t meant to be. (This answers why don’t I ever get what I want?)

There are three potential reasons for rejection, whether it is a personal, romantic or professional.

-First, there is something better I am being made available for.

-Second, what I want is not what I need. What I want is not in my best interest.

-And third, what I want is not in alignment with my values or the highest good of the universe.

Understanding this will eliminate hurt, anger (fear) and taking rejection personally.

Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck. –Dalai Lama

I am a strong believer that we all need reminders to do better when emotions run high. So I strongly suggest that you copy the first seven and print them out. Carry them in your pocket (most recommended because they are always within reach) or post them where you can see them. Once they become integrated into your awareness, do the same with the other eight.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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