Tag Rejection

What Do We Need In Order To Believe In Ourselves?

Believing in ourselves is a synonym for confidence and self-esteem. I prefer this term because it is more descriptive, and feels active, as opposed to passive. Based on the spiritual presupposition that we all came into this life perfect* and… Continue Reading →

How to Heal Abandonment Issues

Does your story begin with “My mom/dad died or left when I was __years old.” or “I never knew my (real) mom/dad.”? Unless and until you have dealt with it, you will have subconscious abandonment issues that affect your thoughts,… Continue Reading →

Understanding the Effects of the Perception of Abandonment

To help you recognize it in your life of the life of others, I presented a list of life-situations that may yield the perception of and therefore the feelings of abandonment. Now, I will present you with the mental, emotional… Continue Reading →

My Intro to Philosophy – Part Two

Today I continue my exploration of Stoicism and A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy. Mr. Irvine explains Stoicism and then modernizes it to make it more palatable for today’s human. His goal is to try… Continue Reading →

How to Master Your Mind: Part One- Who’s Running Your Thoughts?

Do you want to learn how to achieve peace of mind and fall asleep faster? Learn how to become the master of your mind by consciously guiding your thoughts in my article on lifehack.org. Click here to start creating peace… Continue Reading →

What Is Confidence?

Every month more than two million people worldwide search Google for confidence. That is an astounding number, but what if this is not what they should be searching for, on Google or in their lives?

Follow-Up on “Realizations” Posts

There are two main points for this post. 1. I wanted to put together a printable list of the “realizations” for those people who would like to post it as a reminder. And I added a #16.  

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