I am starting a series of posts that will answer all the “big” questions from a higher perspective. I will write them all in the first person, so they will serve as a self-dialogue and as affirmations.

The first question I will tackle is “Why am I here?” This is a question that may be seem to be most applicable to adolescents but I know there are many “adults” that haven’t figured out their answer yet.


Why Am I Here?


1. I am here to elevate to living as spirit.

I am here to bring the energy of love to my every thought, word and behavior.

I am here to know that love is the meaning of all life: giving it, receiving or allowing it, sharing it, and inspiring it. Love is a life force I am supposed to enhance.

2. As a child of the universe, a part of the universal consciousness, I am here to fulfill my “world task”[i]; meaning I am here to evolve to living as spirit.

As a child of the universe, my mission during this lifetime is to evolve from a human doing into a human be-ing; living a spiritual existence or living from spirit.

3. For my individual soul,

  • I am here to fulfill my Sacred Contract[ii], birth vision, souls’ mission. I am here to learn the lessons that I pre-chose before incarnating into this life; lessons I decided I needed to learn in order to fulfill my sacred contract.
  • I am here to learn acceptance; to find inner peace and contentment in where I am.  Not to be living with the thought/belief “I’ll be happen when…”
  • I will find and fulfill life task.1  I am here to connect to something greater than my individual self.

When I am engaged or connected, I go elsewhere, times ceases to exist; all there is me and my passion; I’m connected to my spiritual or higher self.

It is an essential part of who I am, and if I give it up, there will always be an emptiness seeking to be filled.

  • As an individual soul, my purpose is to uncover all my special gifts, talents, strengths, skills, and passions, and put them to use serving humanity.

Whatever it is, never quit doing it, even if you haven’t made it your career. Keep it as “me” time, which in actuality is your time to connect with your higher self, your source…Creative time is essential to your overall well-being. Eventually, try to make it your sole devotion and get paid for it. Share it with others-it is your gift to give to the world.

Not all gifts and talents come in the form of the arts. I thought I had no creativity because I had no obvious artistic, literary, or musical abilities. In a book, I read a list of creative abilities[iii] that included what I will call left-brained creativity.[iv]That list helped me recognize I had as much to offer as anyone else, albeit differently.

Both of these missions can only be available to my consciousness after I clear away all the “baggage” that causes clouded vision, fear and reactivity; after evolving past my developing-human needs, at least to awareness of my independent-human self-delivery needs.

I believe we keep reincarnating out of “heaven” to work towards creating heaven on earth. The physical world can be heaven but humans have to make it so.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele


[i] From Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential by Caroline Myss ( You can check out my review of this book HERE.)

[iv] As a matter of divine right timing, this exact subject came up with Steve while I was working on the post. So, I brought up this concept to him and in his own life he called it “applied creativity.”