I don’t know where you live in the world but for those of you who have gotten your first tastes (sights, smells and feels) of spring, Have you welcomed it?


I brought a hyacynth to my Aunts house for Easter. It was still cold, dark and wet. I wanted to bring her a reminder of spring, because that is what I yearned for. Hyacynth is my favorite flower/bulb. It is the smell of spring for me. I need it to be spring so I made it so by buyuing one for myself too. It has made a dramatice difference in my mood.

About three days ago the weather started to warm and get sunny. On that first day, when I was greeted with the sun’s warmth and brilliance, I was compelled to add a new daily gratitude.

Hello Sun. I am so grateful to see you and feel you. Thank you for all you create and illuminate. Thank you for all you provide and protect. Thank you for nourishing all life.

I would like to share with you some of the beauty I am experiencing.

The sun1
User:Lykaestria /

Foter.com / CC BY-SA

Purple and Blue Hyacinths
prayerfriends / Flowers Photos / CC BY-NC-ND




















May you perceive and receive all your blessings.
With Much Love,
Rev. Michele
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