Practicing gratitude is one of the most powerful and healthy habits we can cultivate to maintain a good mood, a healthy immune system, a high-vibrational body, and a healthy metabolism.
Transform your thoughts of worry into thoughts of gratitude with this ONE EASY STEP. The more you practice, the quicker it will become a habit. (This is how I became a Gratitude-Junkie!)
I apologize for not posting in such a long time. I have been focusing on the facebook page because it seems shorter is more popular these days. So, here are some of the most popular posts from the last couple… Continue Reading →
No one functions well when they are sleep deprived. If you are plagued by a racing mind when trying to fall asleep, whether the culprit is the inner planner, the rehasher and the ruminator, the inner critic or the worrier,… Continue Reading →
Become the Master of YOUR Mind! Get control of #negativity, #worry, compulsive thinking, the inner critic and more! #masteryourmind #reprogramming #selftalk HERE’S HOW! FIVE LITTLE STEPS! YOU CAN DO THIS!
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