Welcome to Return Love: a site passionately dedicated to empowering you and helping you return love to your life; your relationships, your interactions, your body, your heart, and your spirit. In a larger sense, the intention is to create a community of conscious, evolved people who act out of love, compassion, and thoughtfulness.
I know this is a lofty goal, but it only takes one person at a time, who then spreads the message directly, through their words, or indirectly, through their actions, which provides an example that inspires others. One person here and one person there and it can spread faster than any of us can imagine. (Kindness is contagious and elevates the mood of all people who witness it.)
I’m having an amazing journey and I know it’s my calling to share what I learned. It is my mission to share my growth experiences. It is my mission to teach what I learned about healing, evolving perception, and the end of suffering.
There are many issues that need to be healed and eliminated, and new behaviors (thoughts, words and deeds) that need to be added and fostered before one can live consciously from love. The focus of this site will be to guide you through these goals and to provide you with others sources of guidance that you may need.
You’ve probably heard the expressions “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” and that “every journey begins with the first step.” Well, this site is intended to help guide you on your journey, whether you’re taking your first step or have been traveling a long time.
Some will call this a journey of self-discovery. Neale Donald Walsch says “…life is not a process of discovery but a process of creation. Seek, therefore, not to find out Who You Are, seek to determine Who You Want To Be.” Whatever you choose to call it, everyone alive is on a journey; some choose to stay “safe” and comfortable where they are, either because of fear or because they feel they don’t deserve better. Some people choose to move past the status quo to become more than they are. Some people move slowly and some more quickly. Whatever you choose, wherever you are on you journey, I will be here to help guide you to the next step so you can return love to your life.
Self-improvement, personal growth, self-creation, or whatever you want to call it isn’t about becoming better than you are, it’s about becoming more of who you can and were meant to be – moving toward your potential. ReturnLove.org will provide you with all the tools you need to meet your potential. All your questions will be answered. So, how can I help you? This site is for you.
Are you lost and need guidance?
Are you stuck and need a plan or just encouragement?
Can you believe you can have a different life?
Are you ready to become who you were supposed to be and live the life you were meant to live?
Do you want to be part of a community whose goal it is to return love to all living beings and to the planet?
I invite you to join with me to create a magnificent community of like-minded people who want to be different, do things differently and lead more quality lives. People who believe that they can be different and the world can be different if we all think, be and do differently. Together we can return love to the world and really make a difference!
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