My brother and I were having an intelligent discussion the other day that ended up with me mentioning earth school.  I’m not sure but I think I first heard about earth school from Sylvia Browne. I have come to believe that we incarnate to earth school to learn the lessons we choose in order to evolve into human beings able to live as spirit and uncover the memories of what we really are.

Although my brother believes many of the same things I believe, although not to the same degree, he’s much more cynical and pessimistic about the world today than I am.

He would ask questions, I would present my beliefs about the subject, and he would call them theories. Even though I believe that the people whose work I have read or heard have actually connected with non-physical beings, enlightened masters and guides, and have shared their messages, he considers that information “alleged.”  And technically, he’s right!

Relying on faith is relying on theories and other people’s information but believing them to be true; so I often speak as though they were. I did realize a long time ago that a lot of what I say needs to be prefaced with “I believe,” but it’s not practical. Starting every sentence “I believe” sounds “uncommitted!” And I am committed to my beliefs.

Based on what I expressed about Earth school, my brother believes that the school project is failing, and based on current results, it certainly isn’t doing a great job.

Comparing it to a ‘real’ school that is failing, he suggested that either the school has to go or the teachers have to go.  My first inclination was that the school is on its way to extinction along with the people on the planet and so the earth school experiment will be discontinued.

After the discussion, I had some ideas about what needs fixing with the current earth school experiment.


Why Isn’t Earth School Working As Well As It Should?

  1. Memory Wipe

We come into this life as perfect beings of love and light. At some point, we all learn fear. It is fear that changes us. From the perfect beings of light and love we become protective, defensive, insecure, and unable to access our evolved beginnings.  The fear we learn here blocks our memories and our ability to believe, perceive and act from spirit.

The earth school administrators need to devise a way to keep our memories longer so that they may prevent fear from obliterating our memories. Or can they block or prevent the fear altogether? Is any of this possible?

I don’t perceive a possibility unless and until all parents are conscious and acting from spirit.


  1. The Teachers

I believe today’s teachers are doing a great job; the human and non-physical ones. The problem is that in order to be inspired you have to be open to and create access to being inspired.  The majority of the population still isn’t there!

Enlightened beings are communicating with some individuals who are sharing their messages.

The non-physical beings that are helping us daily are more like our guides than our teachers. The spiritual beings you contracted with to guide you through this life are bringing the lessons you want to learn to you.  They start off subtly and get progressively more obvious; if you’re attentive!

If we ignore our intuition, the signs, messages, and synchronicities, we are rejecting the sacred contract we wrote for ourselves. The spirits can lead a horse to water but they can’t make him drink!

Many people today have become comfortable in their unhappiness, stress, pain, and routines.


Current Blocks:

  1. Buying into all the illusions of the physical/material world and can’t believe they can create a different, better life by changing thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. They have not accepted that they are spiritual, vibrational beings and this is a spirit-filled, vibrational world.
  2. Being too tired to want to do any more work.
  3. There are too many magic bullet options available, so why do more work?
  4. Believing that not feeling/staying numb is a better option than ever feeling pain again.
  5. Not feeling they are worthy of the time.
  6. They are afraid they will not like what they find if they open up for self-awareness work.
  7. Being resistant to accepting new beliefs and declaring current beliefs as wrong.  (Caused by the psychological imperative and/or the unhealthy ego.)


What We Can Do?

We can put those people we love in the path of inspiration.

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“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.” Make sure the teachers are always in their field.

Please check out More on Improving Earth School.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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