The TV is usually on in my house. I can work and learn at the same time and it helps my mind from wandering. So for now the box of thoughts is being bypassed and right to typing – for today anyway.


  • Steve Harvey Show: On the “up next teaser,” Steve presented: “Ask, Believe, Receive” and I was grateful to hear it so I can be reminded of it.

This also reminded me that I used to have something similar posted on my file cabinet, so I went to look for it. It was “Dream, Believe, Achieve.”

After the break, Steve shared the following information from Rhonda Byrne’s  The Secret – based on the Law of Attraction. I read it a long time ago. I guess it’s time to read it again!

Here are the principles that were shared:

  1. Like attracts like. “If you see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand.” [But what if you can’t see it in your mind? I can’t visualize. This applies to “Dream” too.]
  2. Ask, Believe, Receive
  3. Gratitude is a powerful process that gets you to where you want to be quicker.
  4. Laughter attracts joy and releases negativity.  “Joy and depression cannot reside in the same space.”
  • On the Ellen Show: More people sign up for online dating between January and Valentines Day, than any other time.

It was the The Six Stages of Metta which help you guide your meditation to extend “lovingkindness.” But to me, it will work with forgiveness as forgiveness is an act of lovingkindness.

Expand your circle of lovingkindness by starting with yourself and moving gradually outward.

  1. Yourself
  2. A benefactor
  3. A good friend
  4. A neutral person
  5. A difficult person
  6. All beings without exception


  • The subconscious mind believes everything we tell it and the subconscious or unconscious mind is connected to the Universal Intelligence or Universal Energy.
  • Are psychological reasons, such as the psychological imperative (where we create situations that match our beliefs) really just sciences way of making sense of the Law of Attraction or an Intelligent Universe (where we are being guided to fulfill Sacred Contract)?
  • Peace is generally symbolized with still water and water is representative of emotions.
  • The Four Metta Phrases (Insight Meditation cards)
    • Send lovingkindness to yourself and others by using these phrases (or words that have personal meaning for you).
    • May I be free from danger. (I use “May I be safe,” for the vibrational impact of a high-vibrational word and Law of Attraction.)
    • May I be happy. (I use “May I be satisfied,” as I believe it is a more consistent state of being than happiness.)
    • May I be healthy.
    • May I live with ease. (I use “exist with ease.”)

To me, the most important is ease. With ease, the others will come.


Last night I organized some of the papers that needed to be put into boxes or worked on. There was a lot!

I have so many ideas and I don’t know a better way to organize them. How do I know what is the next most important idea that needs to be shared?

I usually go with that which repeats or big ideas that enter my awareness through synchronicities.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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