Because I believe that every thing happens in Divine right time and Divine right order, I let people slide on not fulfilling their obligations by not confronting them.

My beliefs were validated recently while waiting for something to get done in order to offer/deliver a free PDF of my Gaining Self-Acceptance exercise; I was ‘delivered’ a Step 10 for the exercise!

When to confront and when to let it slide? This is the question.


2/14/13 – Not making much progress emptying the boxes because of my ever-flowing mind.

  • You just jinxed it: Is it the Law of Attraction in one instance of a thought or word, or is it our belief in jinxes because we have seen evidence and beliefs of unspoken, often subconscious thoughts?
  • I spent many depressed Valentine’s days, so my heart goes out to all of you who are still suffering from the one or more of the following conditions:

– Not feeling loved

– Wanting to give your love

– Fear of being alone

– Fear of not living up to others expectations- not fulfilling  traditional role

– Relationship status defines your identity or affects your self-worth

– Feeling defective or wanting to be “normal”

– Because you want to keep your friends and are tired of either being the odd man out or being excluded. (This was mine in high  school.)

My first dorm-room came complete with a broken heart painted on the cinder block wall beside the front of my door. At that time, it felt like a prediction or curse! I am so grateful I have evolved past that! May you end your suffering soon.

  • The messages from the universe seem to be getting louder and more impactful.
  •  I had forgotten that the original submission for was “rejected.”  I was asked to link the points with personal examples, eliminate the religious reference and change the title. I want to share the information that didn’t make it into that post.

        If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. –Mary Engelbreit

  • Right understanding is the first of the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism. My self-growth journey unknowingly (and gratefully) led me  down this path. Right understanding liberated me from much of my suffering by changing my perception. Among my changes, it helped me not to take things personally and to see myself more objectively and compassionately.

For me, there were two levels to achieving Right Understanding: the mental, psychological and behavioral level and the spiritual/vibrational level. This article will address the mental, psychological and behavioral level.

Understanding how the human mind works and understanding human behavior is an easier path for many people than faith and trust. We tend to be logic-based beings. For me, the logic took hold and then opened me up for the faith and trust.

Here are the mantras that changed my perception. They are now part of my consciousness and are reflected in all my dealings with myself and others.


If you have answers (or theories) for any of my questions, I would appreciate you leaving it below.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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