Tag Teach by Example

Lose the Guilt: Redefine Selfish

Survival is our number one necessity, which can no way be interpreted as selfish. So, how can it be that so many people consider it selfish to attend to their own needs, (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, creative, sexual, and social)?

Sowing the Seeds Within

In Creating True Peace : Ending Violence in Yourself, Your Family, Your Community, and the World, Thich Nhat Hanh talks about us all having seeds that we carry within us, and that it is our choice which seeds we choose… Continue Reading →

Life Maximizing Strategies

In this country, as a whole, we have a tremendous addiction problem. I’ve identified dozens of unique things or activities people have become addicted to, most recently texting, social networking, emailing, gaming, and other computer-based activities. Why have we become… Continue Reading →

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