Tag Subconscious

The Power of “I AM”

When I say “I Am,” I am affirming to the universe, my subconscious mind, my soul, and the cells of my physical and vibrational bodies what I believe about myself. They will all believe what I believe and act on… Continue Reading →

8 Reasons People Do Nothing Or Next to Nothing to Eliminate Chronic and Recurring Physical Pain

This series of article is unfolding in a non-linear fashion; that is to say, it’s coming in no particular order. Therefore, it is in constant need of closer examination to determine the best order in which it should be delivered… Continue Reading →

Healing Patterns

History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. –Maya Angelou

Why Does This Keep Happening To Me? Continued

Many of the potential reasons for the patterns in our lives were brought into the light, into your awareness in Part 1. (So, if you didn’t find your reason in part one, please keep reading.) This is the first step… Continue Reading →

Why Does This Keep Happening To Me?

Whether  you perceive that this is something happening outside of you, something that keeps happening to you, or something you are directly responsible for because of choices you made, this article can help you uncover the meaning behind the your… Continue Reading →

As Divine Right Timing Would Have It: How Triggers Work

I know I promised the next article would provide suggestions for creating your own reminders and productive triggers, but the Universe had another idea. The Universe wanted to provide me with a first-hand encounter with being triggered to show you… Continue Reading →

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