Tag Spirit

Why Is It All So Hard? Part 3

Why is it all so hard? What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why is there so much suffering and pain? Finally, here are the answers from a higher perspective about why our individual souls may be suffering.

A Twofer of What Changed My Perception: The Hidden Messages in Water and What the Bleep Do We Know?

Are You Ready? Can You Handle the Truth? These sources are for those of you who are open. It’s for those of you who are ready to see things differently. It’s for those of you who are ready to remember… Continue Reading →

Why Is It All So Hard? Part 1

Why is it all so hard? What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why is there so much suffering and pain? These are some of the big questions that haunt human-kind. Are you one of them? Here are… Continue Reading →

How to Create an Inspiring and Uplifting Environment

Your home and your place of work are generally your two main environments. In each, you are surrounded by people and things that either raise your vibration or lower it. Do your environments inspire and uplift you or do they… Continue Reading →

Books That Changed My Beliefs: Life on the Other Side by Sylvia Browne

For a lot of people, fear a death is a pervasive force in their lives. Some people are uncertain of what happens after we die and others believe that it all just ends, that it all goes black. What do… Continue Reading →

Why Am I Here?

I am starting a series of posts that will answer all the “big” questions from a higher perspective. I will write them all in the first person, so they will serve as a self-dialogue and as affirmations. The first question I… Continue Reading →

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