I recently came across two old writings that, although they were written more than twenty years ago, remain applicable. The first one will be shared today. (The second one needs editing and additions; this one did not.) This is something… Continue Reading →
Believing in ourselves is a synonym for confidence and self-esteem. I prefer this term because it is more descriptive, and feels active, as opposed to passive. Based on the spiritual presupposition that we all came into this life perfect* and… Continue Reading →
Does your story begin with “My mom/dad died or left when I was __years old.” or “I never knew my (real) mom/dad.”? Unless and until you have dealt with it, you will have subconscious abandonment issues that affect your thoughts,… Continue Reading →
There are two main points for this post. 1. I wanted to put together a printable list of the “realizations” for those people who would like to post it as a reminder. And I added a #16.
The iconic line from the movie Jerry Maguire (Special Edition) “You complete me” has created a goal for many singles since its release in 1996. Looking for someone to complete you is the wrong goal and a very dangerous one,… Continue Reading →
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