Tag Self-Conscious

Evocation: Part 2

When this wheel stopped squeaking, it started moaning quietly, giving me more points of self-consciousness and insecurity. Shortly after the “seal cough,” I began experiencing all manners of skin eruptions. First was dermatitis, in the form of big water blisters… Continue Reading →


Evocation Neither the cries for help expressed through my physical body, nor the behaviors that followed, were recognized as “red flags.” No one knew my pain.  

Invalidating the MOST Destructive Belief-(“I’m Not Good Enough”) With Logic

I’m not good enough! We already discussed how this belief may have occurred. Now let’s challenge it’s validity; it’s truth! Let’s tear down the walls this belief has bulit around you to keep people out! I’m not good enough for… Continue Reading →

Why Is There An Epidemic Of Low Self-Esteem?

Why Is There An Epidemic Of Low Self-Esteem? Eleanor Roosevelt said, most profoundly, “No one can make us feel inferior without our consent.” It took me a long while to understand this.

Self-Esteem and Confidence: Worthy Goals?

Most of us have heard about the negative impact of low self-esteem. For that reason many people seek to improve it. But what if there was a better goal?

What Is Confidence?

Every month more than two million people worldwide search Google for confidence. That is an astounding number, but what if this is not what they should be searching for, on Google or in their lives?

Better Than Self-Esteem: Gaining Self-Acceptance – Step #3: Body Image

Body-image and self-image are not the same; however, they have become entwined.  Females tend to be self-conscious of body parts they don’t like and any that have been pointed out by others. Generally, males will use body improvement as a… Continue Reading →

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