When this wheel stopped squeaking, it started moaning quietly, giving me more points of self-consciousness and insecurity. Shortly after the “seal cough,” I began experiencing all manners of skin eruptions. First was dermatitis, in the form of big water blisters… Continue Reading →
Why Is There An Epidemic Of Low Self-Esteem? Eleanor Roosevelt said, most profoundly, “No one can make us feel inferior without our consent.” It took me a long while to understand this.
Most of us have heard about the negative impact of low self-esteem. For that reason many people seek to improve it. But what if there was a better goal?
Body-image and self-image are not the same; however, they have become entwined. Females tend to be self-conscious of body parts they don’t like and any that have been pointed out by others. Generally, males will use body improvement as a… Continue Reading →
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