Tag Parental Responsibility

How to Heal Abandonment Issues

Does your story begin with “My mom/dad died or left when I was __years old.” or “I never knew my (real) mom/dad.”? Unless and until you have dealt with it, you will have subconscious abandonment issues that affect your thoughts,… Continue Reading →

Evolution of Needs and Your 7 Bodies of Health

Today I want to introduce you to how the levels of needs apply to your seven bodies of health. Just to review, your seven bodies of health are as follows:

Understanding Phases of Needs

I gave you a brief introduction to the phases of needs a few days ago. Today, I will present the full explanation. But first, I want to provide you with the phases chart again to refer to.

Books That Can Change The World: Creating True Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh

This was not the book I was working on this week, but after Friday’s events I felt compelled to spread the word of peace and recommend that everyone on the planet read this book. It is also my deepest hope… Continue Reading →

Newtown, Connecticut, and Sandy Hook Elementary: Thoughts, Feelings and Prayers

12-14-2012 Our world experienced two more deeply disturbing incidents today. My deepest sympathies and prayers go out to all the people at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, to all those in Newtown, Connecticut and to all those in the Chenpeng… Continue Reading →

10 Really Good Reasons to Take Up Conscious Breathing

My article 10 Really Good Reasons to Take Up Conscious Breathing has just been published by Shaun Rosenberg on his site shaunrosenberg.com. Please check it out and my thanks to Shaun.

Lose the Guilt: Redefine Selfish

Survival is our number one necessity, which can no way be interpreted as selfish. So, how can it be that so many people consider it selfish to attend to their own needs, (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, creative, sexual, and social)?

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