Tag Neglect

An Open Letter to a Stalled Species: On Resuming Evolution

It is a rare moment in time when it can be said that the future of the planet and its inhabitants are under severe, life-changing threats from fires, floods, eruptions, rising temperatures, and drought, both literally and figuratively. We are… Continue Reading →

Are You Sabotaging Your Relationships?

We don’t have to do anything to ruin our relationships beyond believing we are not worthy of love. This belief will control our behavior and continue to sabotage our relationships, unless and until we believe we are worthy of love… Continue Reading →

You May Think You Know! – Recognizing Loss: Part 1

In Recognizing Abandonment, I intended to expose previously unrecognized issues that require healing. Now, let’s take a look at loss.

Invalidating the MOST Destructive Belief-(“I’m Not Good Enough”) With Logic

I’m not good enough! We already discussed how this belief may have occurred. Now let’s challenge it’s validity; it’s truth! Let’s tear down the walls this belief has bulit around you to keep people out! I’m not good enough for… Continue Reading →

How to Heal Abandonment Issues

Does your story begin with “My mom/dad died or left when I was __years old.” or “I never knew my (real) mom/dad.”? Unless and until you have dealt with it, you will have subconscious abandonment issues that affect your thoughts,… Continue Reading →

Understanding the Effects of the Perception of Abandonment

To help you recognize it in your life of the life of others, I presented a list of life-situations that may yield the perception of and therefore the feelings of abandonment. Now, I will present you with the mental, emotional… Continue Reading →

Recognizing Abandonment

There is so much pain out there and a good portion of it stems from unrecognized and therefore, unresolved issues of abandonment. Feelings of abandonment are not always as easy to recognize as feelings of neglect or abuse, therefore, they… Continue Reading →

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