Tag Mantras

My Wishes for You in 2013

If you are looking for New Year’s resolutions, here are 25 changes you can make that will improve the quality of your life. These are some of my “rules” to live by; the beliefs and perceptions that have improved the… Continue Reading →

What am I? Part 2: Introducing Your Seven Bodies of Health

I am a complex individual with seven bodies of health that all need conscious attention if I am to have a healthy, fulfilling life with healthy, fulfilling relationships. The needs of my seven bodies require balancing and those needs that… Continue Reading →

Beneficial Beliefs

Beneficial Beliefs Create Productive Perceptions As you believe, you will perceive. Beliefs are choices. When we were children, we learned our beliefs from observing our environment. We had a very small world view. We learned our beliefs about ourselves by… Continue Reading →

Why Is It All So Hard? Part 2

Why is it all so hard? What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why is there so much suffering and pain? In this post, I will continue the discussion of the many mental, psychological and behavioral answers to… Continue Reading →

How to Create an Inspiring and Uplifting Environment

Your home and your place of work are generally your two main environments. In each, you are surrounded by people and things that either raise your vibration or lower it. Do your environments inspire and uplift you or do they… Continue Reading →

Affirmations, Mantras and Prayers

Some people call them affirmations. Some people call them intention statements. Louise Hay calls them “new thought patterns.” Whatever you choose to call them, they are the most effective way to change your limiting beliefs by replacing them, consciously or… Continue Reading →


When I first started reading Communion with God by Neale Donald Walsch I was unable to stick with it. At that point in my life I had already recognized that there is or will be a right time to read… Continue Reading →

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