Tag Eternal Being

A Twofer of Books That Changed My Perception By Brian Weiss, M.D.

A Twofer of Books That Changed My Perception By Brian Weiss, M.D. I cannot separate Many Lives, Many Masters and Messages from the Masters because I bought them as a special combo printing from my book club. So, please forgive… Continue Reading →

Your Seven Bodies of Health: Accepting Your Vibrational Body

One of the necessary steps of self-acceptance is accepting the presence of all your bodies of health. Out of all the bodies of health, the only one you may have to work to accept is your vibrational body. So, here… Continue Reading →

Why Is It All So Hard? Part 4

When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. –Max Planck There really is only one answer for why it is all so hard and why there is so much suffering: I do not… Continue Reading →

A Twofer of What Changed My Perception: The Hidden Messages in Water and What the Bleep Do We Know?

Are You Ready? Can You Handle the Truth? These sources are for those of you who are open. It’s for those of you who are ready to see things differently. It’s for those of you who are ready to remember… Continue Reading →

Why Is It All So Hard? Part 2

Why is it all so hard? What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why is there so much suffering and pain? In this post, I will continue the discussion of the many mental, psychological and behavioral answers to… Continue Reading →

Why Is It All So Hard? Part 1

Why is it all so hard? What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why is there so much suffering and pain? These are some of the big questions that haunt human-kind. Are you one of them? Here are… Continue Reading →

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