Tag Energy Body

My Last Letter to My Dad

The following is the last letter I wrote to my dad. I wrote it after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He passed away due to complications from the pancreatic cancer surgery a few months later. The reason I wrote… Continue Reading →

The Power of “I AM”

When I say “I Am,” I am affirming to the universe, my subconscious mind, my soul, and the cells of my physical and vibrational bodies what I believe about myself. They will all believe what I believe and act on… Continue Reading →

Invitation to Begin an Alphabet Gratitude Practice

Practicing gratitude is one of the most powerful and healthy habits we can cultivate to maintain a good mood, a healthy immune system, a high-vibrational body, and a healthy metabolism.  

What’s Eating You?

A different approach for me! Are you the type of person who needs to be frightened into self-healing and self-nurturing? Do you know someone who is? Don’t Wait For The Diagnosis: You CAN Prevent Cancer.  

How Are Your Chakras Functioning?

Why Should I Check My Chakra Functioning Regularly? Our chakras are our emotional guidance system. They can provide us with an early message we can respond to, so the message doesn’t have to progress (get louder) through physical pain, dis-comfort,… Continue Reading →

Prayers and Mantras

Repetition reprograms: repetition of ideas reprograms beliefs. Chose productive and empowering beliefs and you can reprogram your life. The following can also be used as meditations.   

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