Tag Emotions

Box of Thoughts #7

I want to apologize for the inconsistency of my posting of late. I have been having an assortment of connectivity and technical problems. I just figure there is a reason for the delay I am not privy to yet!  

Box of Thoughts #4

The TV is usually on in my house. I can work and learn at the same time and it helps my mind from wandering. So for now the box of thoughts is being bypassed and right to typing – for… Continue Reading →

Follow-Up on “Realizations” Posts

There are two main points for this post. 1. I wanted to put together a printable list of the “realizations” for those people who would like to post it as a reminder. And I added a #16.  

8 More Powerful Realizations that Will Help You Suffer Less

The first 7 things were published on Tiny Buddha by Lori Deschene. Please read them first.  

Our Bodies, Our Guides

To what do you attribute spontaneous recovery and medical miracles? Why do some people get “cured” from their diseases and others don’t? Would you like to experience instantaneous healing? Then read on.

Life Maximizing Strategies

In this country, as a whole, we have a tremendous addiction problem. I’ve identified dozens of unique things or activities people have become addicted to, most recently texting, social networking, emailing, gaming, and other computer-based activities. Why have we become… Continue Reading →

What Do I Believe?

When I was a teenager, I nicknamed myself Murphy, as in Murphy’s Law, which states that anything that can go wrong will. I was never surprised when something went wrong and would often say or think “Murphy strikes again.” I don’t know if it was the Law of Attraction or what’s called a psychological imperative (creating a reality that matches your beliefs to prove you are right), but believing in Murphy’s Law created my reality of things going wrong. This belief and the label was part of my awareness, most of us are aware of the names we call ourselves but most beliefs are unknown to us.

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