Tag Emotional Needs

New Eyes

New Eyes Just as the divinely and timely delivered nine assignments guided me to see myself, my development and general human development with “new eyes,” the ego insights guided me to see ten years of work with “new eyes.” The… Continue Reading →

Why Is There An Epidemic Of Low Self-Esteem?

Why Is There An Epidemic Of Low Self-Esteem? Eleanor Roosevelt said, most profoundly, “No one can make us feel inferior without our consent.” It took me a long while to understand this.

Recognizing Abandonment

There is so much pain out there and a good portion of it stems from unrecognized and therefore, unresolved issues of abandonment. Feelings of abandonment are not always as easy to recognize as feelings of neglect or abuse, therefore, they… Continue Reading →

Why Should I Take The Time To Understand My Needs?

Much of what I post is for the purpose of sharing what I’ve learned and applied for the betterment of my life. Understanding my emotional/relational needs was especially important. These are the needs that we will continue to focus on… Continue Reading →

Understanding Phases of Needs

I gave you a brief introduction to the phases of needs a few days ago. Today, I will present the full explanation. But first, I want to provide you with the phases chart again to refer to.

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