Tag Counterproductive Thoughts

Master Your Mind!

Become the Master of YOUR Mind!  Get control of #negativity, #worry, compulsive thinking, the inner critic and more!  #masteryourmind #reprogramming #selftalk   HERE’S HOW! FIVE LITTLE STEPS! YOU CAN DO THIS!  

Implementing Change: Holding an Intention by Creating Your Own Triggers

Any thing can be used as a trigger once you assign specific meaning to. Once you imbue something with a reminder to do something differently, that word, object or symbol becomes part of your consciousness. So, anytime you see this… Continue Reading →

Our Bodies, Our Guides

To what do you attribute spontaneous recovery and medical miracles? Why do some people get “cured” from their diseases and others don’t? Would you like to experience instantaneous healing? Then read on.

Life Maximizing Strategies

In this country, as a whole, we have a tremendous addiction problem. I’ve identified dozens of unique things or activities people have become addicted to, most recently texting, social networking, emailing, gaming, and other computer-based activities. Why have we become… Continue Reading →

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