Tag Aromatherapy

Engaging the Power of Your Sense of Smell for Health and Healing

While I was working on the follow-up to the pick the brain post about changing your mood instantly, I got to the one on smell (they are sensory fixes). I knew I wouldn’t be able to do the subject justice… Continue Reading →

How to Create an Inspiring and Uplifting Environment

Your home and your place of work are generally your two main environments. In each, you are surrounded by people and things that either raise your vibration or lower it. Do your environments inspire and uplift you or do they… Continue Reading →

Life Maximizing Strategies

In this country, as a whole, we have a tremendous addiction problem. I’ve identified dozens of unique things or activities people have become addicted to, most recently texting, social networking, emailing, gaming, and other computer-based activities. Why have we become… Continue Reading →

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