Tag 7 Bodies of Health

Box of Thoughts #7

I want to apologize for the inconsistency of my posting of late. I have been having an assortment of connectivity and technical problems. I just figure there is a reason for the delay I am not privy to yet!  

8 Reasons Why You Don’t Get What You Want

The pain of not understanding why I wasn’t getting what I wanted was probably more consuming than the pain of not having it. Crying, WHY! Over and over. Sound familiar?

Evolution of Needs and Your 7 Bodies of Health

Today I want to introduce you to how the levels of needs apply to your seven bodies of health. Just to review, your seven bodies of health are as follows:

Identifying Levels of Needs: For Relationship Compatibility and Self-Awareness

Knowing your needs is the key to self-awareness and to having good relationships. Identifying your level for each of the most common needs will be of great value in order to understand yourself. It will also help you choose a… Continue Reading →

Your Seven Bodies of Health: Accepting Your Vibrational Body

One of the necessary steps of self-acceptance is accepting the presence of all your bodies of health. Out of all the bodies of health, the only one you may have to work to accept is your vibrational body. So, here… Continue Reading →

What am I? Part 2: Introducing Your Seven Bodies of Health

I am a complex individual with seven bodies of health that all need conscious attention if I am to have a healthy, fulfilling life with healthy, fulfilling relationships. The needs of my seven bodies require balancing and those needs that… Continue Reading →

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