Healing By Letting Go: Self-Forgiveness -Part 1: Why Should I Forgive Myself? Gaining self-acceptance is the first giant step toward achieving clearer perception and ending suffering. It also has the added benefits of healing many of our thoughts and our… Continue Reading →
Because I believe that every thing happens in Divine right time and Divine right order, I let people slide on not fulfilling their obligations by not confronting them. My beliefs were validated recently while waiting for something to get done… Continue Reading →
I am posting this on Sunday night in the hopes of reaching many people this Monday morning. So, Good Monday Morning to you! Valentine’s Day is coming which is problematic for some and Monday’s are said to be the worst… Continue Reading →
There are two main points for this post. 1. I wanted to put together a printable list of the “realizations” for those people who would like to post it as a reminder. And I added a #16.
Thank you to Erin Falconer for publishing my article 6 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Mood on her site PickTheBrain.com. As always, I had more to say on the subject, so check out 5 More Ways to Instantly Improve Your Mood.
The first 7 things were published on Tiny Buddha by Lori Deschene. Please read them first.
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