Category Perception

Healing Patterns – Continued

Let’s continue healing the patterns that are disrupting your life.

Healing Patterns

History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. –Maya Angelou

Why Does This Keep Happening To Me? Continued

Many of the potential reasons for the patterns in our lives were brought into the light, into your awareness in Part 1. (So, if you didn’t find your reason in part one, please keep reading.) This is the first step… Continue Reading →

Four Options for Football Widows (And a Warning for All Women Dating!)

Unhappy Football Widow? Pro AND College? That’s all weekend and some week days. It adds up to a total of six months! That’s SIX MONTHS out of the year!

Facebook Sharing- Reminders

I wanted to share with you all the beautiful pix I posted on the Return Love Facebook page. It will take a long time to catch up. I broke them up into categories. Here are a few reminders to get… Continue Reading →

Why Does This Keep Happening To Me?

Whether  you perceive that this is something happening outside of you, something that keeps happening to you, or something you are directly responsible for because of choices you made, this article can help you uncover the meaning behind the your… Continue Reading →

More On Improving Earth School and Its Synchronicities

Welcome to the continuing exploration of the changes that could be made by the “administrators” of EarthSchool to increase its success. In other words, what can be done to increase the speed of the evolution of human beings into spiritual… Continue Reading →

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