Category Gaining Self-Acceptance

A Twofer of What Changed My Perception: The Hidden Messages in Water and What the Bleep Do We Know?

Are You Ready? Can You Handle the Truth? These sources are for those of you who are open. It’s for those of you who are ready to see things differently. It’s for those of you who are ready to remember… Continue Reading →

Why Is It All So Hard? Part 2

Why is it all so hard? What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why is there so much suffering and pain? In this post, I will continue the discussion of the many mental, psychological and behavioral answers to… Continue Reading →

Why Is It All So Hard? Part 1

Why is it all so hard? What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why is there so much suffering and pain? These are some of the big questions that haunt human-kind. Are you one of them? Here are… Continue Reading →

Complete Yourself: Being Single is a Gift

The iconic line from the movie Jerry Maguire (Special Edition) “You complete me” has created a goal for many singles since its release in 1996. Looking for someone to complete you is the wrong goal and a very dangerous one,… Continue Reading →

Gaining Self-Acceptance: Steps 7-9 – Finding Your Purpose, Your Bliss

These next steps are intended to help you get to know your authentic self and to accept that self (with the possible exceptions uncovered in Step #9).

Better Than Self-Esteem: Gaining Self-Acceptance – Steps 4 -6

Congratulations on your effort thus far. By completing steps one through three, you should be getting to know yourself quite a bit better. These first steps were the easy part, now comes the real work: CHANGE.

Better Than Self-Esteem: Gaining Self-Acceptance – Step #3: Body Image

Body-image and self-image are not the same; however, they have become entwined.  Females tend to be self-conscious of body parts they don’t like and any that have been pointed out by others. Generally, males will use body improvement as a… Continue Reading →

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