Category Beliefs

Better Than Self-Esteem: Gaining Self-Acceptance – Step #3: Body Image

Body-image and self-image are not the same; however, they have become entwined.  Females tend to be self-conscious of body parts they don’t like and any that have been pointed out by others. Generally, males will use body improvement as a… Continue Reading →

Religion and Spirituality

I was raised by two non-religious, but more importantly, non-spiritual parents. I mean no beliefs whatsoever beyond what their senses could prove. They were completely grounded in the material, the physical and the visible.*

Synchronicities, EHFAR and Messengers

Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you. ~Quoted in The Angels’ Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman  

What Do I Believe?

When I was a teenager, I nicknamed myself Murphy, as in Murphy’s Law, which states that anything that can go wrong will. I was never surprised when something went wrong and would often say or think “Murphy strikes again.” I don’t know if it was the Law of Attraction or what’s called a psychological imperative (creating a reality that matches your beliefs to prove you are right), but believing in Murphy’s Law created my reality of things going wrong. This belief and the label was part of my awareness, most of us are aware of the names we call ourselves but most beliefs are unknown to us.

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