Category Conscious Living

Inside the Mind of a Gratitude-Junkie

We all have habits, routines, addictions, obsessions, and compulsions. The questions are “Do they interfere with me having a healthy and fulfilling life? Do they negatively impact my relationships, my job, and my health?” I want to share with you… Continue Reading →

My Wishes for You in 2013

If you are looking for New Year’s resolutions, here are 25 changes you can make that will improve the quality of your life. These are some of my “rules” to live by; the beliefs and perceptions that have improved the… Continue Reading →

Your Guide to Proper Breathing

The second of a two-part series on conscious breathing was just published on Shaun Rosenberg’s site. I want to thank Shaun for publishing my article. But before you read about how to use your breathing consciously to serve specific mental,… Continue Reading →

Identifying Levels of Needs: For Relationship Compatibility and Self-Awareness

Knowing your needs is the key to self-awareness and to having good relationships. Identifying your level for each of the most common needs will be of great value in order to understand yourself. It will also help you choose a… Continue Reading →

Books That Can Change Your Life: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

I want to wish you all a holiday season filled with only peace, love, laughter, and the awareness of the beauty and abundance in your life. The sad truth of it is, many people won’t. That is why I recommend… Continue Reading →


Then The featured photo was taken by me in Chichen Itza some years ago and it’s hangs on my bedroom wall. I’d wanted to go there ever since I saw it for the first time when Days of Our Lives… Continue Reading →

Creating True Peace: Part 2

Today I ask you to take a pledge for peace and love! I am sending out a call for love and peace. I know if I could offer a magic pill that would give people inner peace, just about everyone… Continue Reading →

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