Be an angel to someone else whenever you can,

as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you.

~Quoted in The Angels’ Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman

 A few months before I began working on this site, I had an experience worth sharing.

I was in the supermarket, half way through the store, when a man called to me and got my attention.  Upon asking how he was doing, he responded that he felt like he had just crawled out from under a rock. Thinking this was an unusual response and a potential cry for help (or a call for love), I pressed on because I believe in synchronicities and that everything happens for a reason (EHFAR).

I count among the potential reasons for new encounters;

  •         an opportunity for either party to learn, grow, awaken,
  •         heal, and/or
  •         receive a message about their path, or
  •         a delay to keep one or both of them safe.

At this point, I had no idea what would unfold but I knew there was a reason, so I was open to whatever would happen.

He didn’t want to tell me details about himself and it soon became clear that: 1. he had one issue on his mind and could not be distracted from it, and 2. this synchronicity was not about me receiving.

As it turns out, all questions about his issue were easily answered because of the book I was re-reading at the time – The Celestine Vision: Living the New Spiritual Awareness  by James Redfield.

Coincidence? I don’t think so because I don’t believe in coincidences.

Now, I knew this was an opportunity for me to be a messenger for whatever he needed to receive.

I spent a total of two and a half hours with him in the supermarket. All my frozen and refrigerated foods were thawing and had to be traded out for colder ones.

Finally at the check-out line and the cashier forgot to ring up a pair of rubber gloves that she left in my cart. He insisted on buying them for me. In spiritual terms, I received a tithe! (It’s like a payment for spiritual counsel.)

I kept in touch with him through email for a while, but his emails were quite lengthy, verbose and disjointed. I didn’t give him my phone number because he was so talkative and because I was very busy at the time. As it turns out, that was a time-saving decision, and I can tell you now because his email account is closed; his screen name was ITalkTooMuch!

Most people are too busy and too wrapped-up in their own drama/stress to accept or allow synchronicities to happen. Therefore, many opportunities for learning, growing, awakening, and teaching pass by them. Don’t let the next one be lost. Pay attention; your messengers are out there.

Look for synchronicities, look for opportunities to be a healer, an instrument of love, a miracle worker and an angel. AND look out for opportunities to receive healing and love. Expect synchronicities!

(The photo is one of my cat Spike. He has been a messenger for me. You will see a post about him soon.)

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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