Did you know you can support Return Love without it costing you a penny!

I haven’t mentioned this to you before because telling you about it felt shady to me, but I recently found out that sharing isn’t shady, it’s actually strongly encouraged. To me, this makes it a 3-way win: Amazon, you* and Return Love!


Return Love has an affiliate relationship with Amazon.com.

You see, anytime someone clicks through to Amazon from a link on Return Love and buys something, anything, Return Love earns a 2-4% commission.

  1. You can buy the books and products I recommend in my posts through their links or on the Find Your Teachers Here!  Page.  [So, you buy products to further your personal development and healing* and Return Love gets a very small commission!]
  2. OR
    1. First, create a mental link between shopping on Amazon and Return Love.
    2. Then, the next time you need to shop on Amazon (I know you do!) come to Return Love first.
    3. Click through any link on the Find Your Teachers Here! page, any Recommended Reading post or any of the Amazon banners  (like the one below).
    4. You will be taken to Amazon and begin your shopping that supports Return Love. It’s that simple! Just one extra step before you start your shopping for a good cause!

Either way, you will earn good karma points!

Thank You for all your love and support!

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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