I had an experience that has been unusual for me but since I believe everything happens for a reason, I have to believe it occurred so that I could examine it, learn from it and share its resolution with you.

This experience was pervasive and compounding frustration. I felt it throughout my body and did not make the time to release it, mostly because external sources kept adding to it for a total of five days.

It was on the fifth day that I finally took action. I wrote, uncensored, did some deep breathing, and then asked the Universe to release the negative emotions and provide me with a higher perspective, which came as I wrote. Journaling helps the emotions flow out of the body, it serves as a release. And it is also helpful in answering questions.

Since much of the frustration was caused by my plans being delayed, I repeated one of my daily mantras to ease the frustration; “Everything happens in Divine right time and Divine right order.”

Before bed, I repeated the prayer for release and mantra again. When I woke up the next day, I was cleansed.

I have been practicing non-attachment for a long time. This means that I live by the credo “No Expectations, No Disappointment.”

But when people tell you they are going to do something, you can’t help but have an expectation and believe them. When people you have to count on are not impeccable with their word and do not do what they say they will, that expectation leads to frustration and broken trust.

I don’t know why I waited until it had such a strong hold on me to take action. I am usually on top of these things. It could be that the weather contributed to it; I’ve barely seen sunshine in about three weeks and I have been susceptible to SAD (seasonal affective disorder) in the past.

It may have bee because the sources of my frustration are people I currently need in my life and can’t afford to alienate. Whatever the reason, it was a good reminder to take action immediately and a good lesson to share.

I can’t control what other people do. But I can make them aware of how their actions or inaction affects me in the hope of planting a seed of awareness, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they will change. It’s all about how I choose to feel and I rarely choose to feel badly. This time it was My Bad!

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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