If you are looking for New Year’s resolutions, here are 25 changes you can make that will improve the quality of your life.

These are some of my “rules” to live by; the beliefs and perceptions that have improved the quality of my life. Therefore, my wish is for every person on the planet to adopt them and to improve the quality of their lives.


My wishes for you and every conscious being (awake or not) would be that you: [in no particular order]

  1. Become aware of the beauty and abundance in your lives. (Click here for extra help.)
  2. Replace your thoughts of worry, fear and anger with thoughts of gratitude, compassion and love. Control and guide your thoughts.
  3. Seek peace and the best outcome for all involved in every situation.
  4. Understand that everyone is doing the best they can with the tools, knowledge and presence of mind that have at any given moment. Be patient, be tolerant and don’t take things personally. Forgive weaknesses and imperfections in yourself and every one else.
  5. Recognize that every challenge is an opportunity to grow and learn. (And never stop learning and growing. ) Look for the lessons of new paths to take or messages of values to be practiced.
  6. Focus on what you have, not on what’s missing.
  7. Recognize that anger is fear, frustration or pain expressed. Answer the call for love, from yourself and others. (And again, don’t take things personally.) Hurt people hurt people. -Bill Cosby
  8. Listen to your insight, your intuition and your body (angels, higher self, guides) to guide you to what you really need.
  9. Accept and love yourself unconditionally.
  10. Believe in yourself. (Belief creates results.)
  11. Forgive, release and heal your past.
  12. Express your truths.
  13. Surround yourself with that which supports and enhances your soul and spirit.
  14. Live and spend with your values.
  15. Have no expectations, therefore, you will have no disappointment.
  16. Don’t assume anything.
  17. Make self-care your #1 priority.
  18. Find your purpose and work at what you love. (Do what you love so most of your “have to’s” are also “want to’s.”)
  19. Understand that perception is the source of all reactions. See from different perspectives.
  20. Identify your needs, recognize which ones are driven by wants or ego (false needs), and seek to meet those you know as true needs yourself.
  21. Be present.
  22. Understand that everything is a choice.
  23. Take risks: face and conquer your fears.
  24. Believe that everything happens for a reason.
  25. Live in gratitude.

Start the New Year off with positive, healthy intentions. For internal changes, you can pick one each day and work on that one. Hold the intention from the moment you get up. Repeat it frequently throughout the day a reminder. Write it on a piece of paper and carry it in your pocket or imbue an object with its meaning

For external changes, start the work towards making it happen by changing your thoughts and vibrations surrounding it. Then take steps.

[Use the above as a check list to create the best year yet.]

I wish you all a 2013 filled with only inner peace, unconditional love for yourself and others, and laughter; so creating, good health and well-being.

Happy New Year.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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