How Do You Deal With Chronic And/Or Recurring Physical Pain, Dis-Comfort, Illness, Dis-Orders, And Dis-Eases?

If you’re like most people, you pop a pill. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it gets rid of the pain; for a while anyway. So, of course we, as a nation, have come to rely on our pills for one thing or another. There are four problems here:

  1. Reliance means addiction.
  2. The pain is only masked (suppressed) and temporarily at that.
  3. The pain is not “being heard” or attended to as it was designed.
  4. Our reliance on drugs has made the pharmaceutical companies filthy rich and paying legal pushers handsomely while influencing our government. [Over-the-counter (OTC), prescription, illegal and legal drugs (i.e. alcohol, caffeine, sugar, nicotine)] and having the money to use in advertising that is designed to make us afraid so we will buy what they are selling.  And the added bonus for them is that being afraid negatively impacts our immune systems and lets the sickness    in!

This is not our fault. We have been raised to believe our doctors and the science of the time. We have been raised to believe that in order to treat our pain, dis-comfort, illness, dis-orders, and dis-eases we must utilize something outside ourselves.

I don’t know anyone who was raised in a religious order where medical treatment was unacceptable. I would love to know what they use to treat physical issues.

I also don’t know anyone who was raised in a home that practiced meditation, energy healing or using affirmations to address pain, dis-comfort, illness, dis-orders, and dis-eases. Do you?

The Easy Choice Is Not the Best Choice for Your Well-Being

When you rely on something it has power over you.

In the United States, many of us believe it is our government that is running the country, but in truth, it is the corporations, including the pharmaceutical companies. When the people in charge are most concerned with their bottom line and their stock holders, how can we think they care about our health and well-being? How can we believe they are working on cures when pain-management, pain-suppression, and long-term management of disorders and diseases are so much more profitable?

To please their stock holders and their own pockets, they have spent billions of dollars researching methods for maximizing sales from advertising. They have learned how to program us into needing and wanting what they provide.

We are constantly being bombarded by images, slogans and pictures designed to program us into being sick, into being afraid, which lowers our immune systems. (i.e. Flu season’s come in fast, are you prepared?)

They have programmed to believe that so many ailments are unavoidable and just part of the aging process. Not true.

They have programmed to believe that there are incurable diseases. There aren’t.

They have programmed us to believe that our DNA can and will predict illness, disorder and disease. Not true. We can affect changes in everything, including our DNA. (Scientists have found a sound frequency they have determined repairs DNA!)

Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside.

~Albert Schweitzer

Please, come back for Part 2.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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