By the time A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles came to me, it served as a validation of what I had come to believe. When I started this site, I felt the need to re-read it, as it is the inspiration for the site’s name.

While the first reading was great, the second reading was amazing. I was so much further along than I realized and so much more of it became part of my consciousness.

As the sub-title explains, this book highlights principles from A Course In Miracles which is a channeled set of books and is defined as a “required course.”

With Ms. Williamson’s easy writing style, self-reflection as it relates to the principles, and demonstrations of her own self-growth as a testament to the Course, this book is quite simply, remarkable.

The Course is described as a “self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy…” which is the exact combination I’ve used in my personal growth journey.  So, if you’re not sure if A Course in Miracles is for you or if you’re not sure you’re ready, I highly recommend starting with A Return to Love.

This is a book that can change your life by changing your perception. How much you will get out of it depends on where you are on your personal growth journey and how open you are to creating a new perception for yourself. For this reason, I can’t assume what you will gain from this book. But I am sure you will gain from it and more each time you read it.

When Ms. Williamson asks for a miracle she asks to see things differently; she asks for a shift in perception. This is a great concept and one I have carried with me.

There are so many inspiring and perception changing quotes in this book that I don’t know where to start. So, here are some that for me were major revelations or comforting validations.

  • “Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the relinquishment- or unlearning- of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.” (p xxii)
  • “…everything that someone does, says the Course, is either ‘love or a call for love.’ ” (p 99)
  • “It  is our failure to accept people exactly as they are that gives us pain in a relationship.” (p 120)
  • “…to the ego self-acceptance is death.” (p 145)
  • “… you came here to heal and be healed…” (p 180)
  • …”avoid self-initiated plans”… (p 181) [As someone living in flow, I loved hearing this!]
  • “Forgiveness is the ultimate preventative medicine as well as the greatest healer.”(p 228)
  • “A Course in Miracles defines health as “inner peace.”” (p 257)

I could easily keep going. My copy of this book is so marked up because of the amazing amount of insight, information and inspiration tucked between its covers.

I can’t imagine that these quotes won’t affect you the same way they affected me or that this book won’t have a major impact on your life as it has for many thousands of people, including me.

“A thoroughly loving person is like an evolutionary mutation, manifesting a being that puts love first and thus creates the context in which miracles occur.” (p 43) This quote inspires me to be a mutation and is the guiding force behind

I adopted many new affirmations and integrated many new perceptions because of this book and I’m sure you will too.

This book is a page turner and a treasure. Do yourself a big favor and read A Return to Love.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

Copyright © 2012 Indigo Sky, LLC; All Rights Reserved

I finally got A Course In Miracles yesterday and will get to reading it soon (hopefully). I am very excited to read it because I loved A Return to Love so much.