There is no one thing that changed for me to put in the title. This book changed my beliefs and understanding which changed my perception. It also, and maybe more importantly, changed the way I thought and spoke; it changed my behavior. It made me conscious of my choice of words, both spoken silently to myself and aloud to others.

Every Word Has Power is a transformative tool that teaches us how to reprogram our unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is “…designed to give you what you focus on.”

“…you can reprogram the unconscious mind simply by understanding the instructions it needs in order to produce high-energy and directed output.” (p. 57) Ms. Oswald provides those instructions.

“How would you feel if you had the ability to clear any negative emotions from the low moments of your life in less than a minute, and could remember them with the same feelings of satisfaction as the high moments?” This is a question posed in the introduction – sounds good, doesn’t it?

There are many different exercises and techniques, including ten Magic of the Mind exercises. Each chapter ends with an action plan. So, there are plenty of tools designed to get you to where you want to be.

It provides do-it-yourself exercises for clearing each of the low energy emotions (fear, sadness, depression, anger, anxiety, guilt and shame, and resentment) and non-supportive/limiting beliefs. I have come to prefer the term “low-energy emotions” to negative or painful emotions as it implies the impact they have on our physical and energy bodies.

“…low energy thoughts lower the immune system and make people more illness prone.” ( p. 11)

This book provides lists and examples of low-energy (low vibrational frequency) words and phrases and their high-energy replacements. Ms. Oswald refers to this replacement as a “shift.”

After “shifting,” I became more aware that many of us use low-energy words and phrases to add color, impact and humor to our language.

For me, some of the more important changes this book facilitates are the transformation of self-image, self-worth and confidence. There is a section on people-pleasing that is very affective. You can even improve your relationships and trust with Ms. Oswald’s guidance.

Some of the stress-reduction exercises and a simple approach to decision-making have been invaluable for me to this day.

This book was my first introduction to NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and it includes the science and studies that support what is referred to as “…a new frontier of human behavioral technology.” I have since picked up another book on NLP since I found this one so interesting and useful.

Ms. Oswald went on to create a kit (Your Every Word Has Power Kit) that provides three “21-Day Success Plans” targeting health and wellness, relationships, and wealth and abundance. It comes with a book, CDs and cards with Power Thoughts and Action Steps. As with all the new books I just bought, I hope to get to this soon so I can review its claims for you.

I highly recommend you read Every Word Has Power: Switch on Your Language and Turn on Your Life. I am sure the benefits will surprise and please you.

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

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