Beneficial Beliefs Create Productive Perceptions

As you believe, you will perceive.

Beliefs are choices. When we were children, we learned our beliefs from observing our environment. We had a very small world view.

We learned our beliefs about ourselves by how we were treated and how others reacted to us. We were trained to believe certain things.

You may have inherited them by force, adopted them by default or chosen them to fit in.

Our beliefs exist whether or not we’ve examined them or chosen them. There are limiting beliefs and then there are beneficial beliefs. You can choose what you want to believe about yourself, others and the world.

The words written and sung by Layne Staley in a Mad Season song have always and continue to catch my attention: “My pain is self-chosen.” Layne died of a drug overdose in 2002.

If you had a choice between two pairs of shoes, one that gives you blisters and one that was like slipper, why would you choose pain?

We shouldn’t believe everything your see or hear, not without investigating – unless it rings true for you immediately.

Say it to yourself; with eyes closed. Try to feel it in your vibrational body.

I am hoping you will find some beliefs on the list below will ring true for you. Investigate the others! It’s way worth it!

The time has come to choose your beliefs and here is a list of those that have served me best and have led me to productive perception.

In Why Is It All So Hard? -Part 4 , I presented the three beliefs that changed my perception:

I AM an Eternal, Vibrating, Spiritual Being Inhabiting a Physical Body

EHFAR (Everything Happens for a Reason)

There is a Higher Power.

I also told you there were many other beliefs under the main heading of these three. These beliefs result from believing the main three

  1. I am an eternal, energetic being. I have lived physical lives before and will live physical lives again. And in between, I will reunite with all the spirits of my ancestors and friends.
  2. Before I incarnated into this life, I created a contract. There are people on this planet and spirits on other planes of existence, who I have a soul contract with; these people and beings help me to get where I need to go, learn what I need to learn, and to keep me safe while I do.
  3. Before I incarnated into this life, I chose the parents I was to be born to for the lessons they could teach me and possibly for what I could teach them.
  4. I am on this planet, at this time, for a specific purpose.
  5. I am lovable, valuable and deserving. I am worthy. I am a Divine creation of the Universal Spirit.
  6. My best is good enough. I am good enough just as I am.
  7. Everything is working out for my highest good.
  8. I am safe, protected and loved at all times.
  9. My body is my messenger. All unprocessed/ignored/suppressed emotional and mental issues will surface as physical symptoms (pain/illness/dis-ease). The symptoms are messages from my higher self or a higher power to deal with my issues. When I heal the causes of my symptoms and they will go away.

10. We are all connected.

  1. Every thought, every word, every action has power/energy.
  2. Everything is temporary, except spirit.
  3. Everything changes.
  4. I am connected to everything I need. [I need to awaken to the fact that I have access to everything I need at all times.]
  5. Everything happens in Divine right time and Divine right order.
  6. Everything is revealed to me in Divine right time and Divine right order.
  7. I am a vessel for the Universal Spirit. I recognize all that flows through me as spirit.

You can use them as mantras and affirmations to affirm and remind yourself of what you already know.

OR you can choose them as a means of reprogramming your belief system towards a healthier, more productive perception of your life and your reality.

Isn’t it time to choose what it’s in your best interest to believe?

May you perceive and receive all your blessings.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

Copyright © 2012 Indigo Sky, LLC; All Rights Reserved

Tell me about your most productive or most damaging beliefs in the comment box below. And of course, if you have any questions, ask below.