The holidays are the perfect time for me to post this activity I came up with, since it’s the most likely time of year when you will see your loved ones.

Now that most people (including children) have cell phones with cameras, and seem to be taking pictures of every little thing, please take this opportunity to take ones that really matter and will bring you joy for years to come.

This is a picture of my grandmother and me, when I was around seven. It is one of my favorite childhood pictures because I can see and feel the love. It never fails to evoke (trigger) a loved and loving feeling from me.

If you don’t have a picture of yourself kissing your loved ones, I encourage you to do so. It’s a simple way to possess a powerful trigger for feeling loved and loving. (And stimulate the production of the bonding hormone oxytocin in your body.)

I would like to suggest that everyone have a photo like this with each person they love.

It’s very simple: The next time you are with each of your loved ones, grab your phone and ask them one by one, if they want to make a memory and a trigger for love. Now just:

  1. Smile
  2. Smooch
  3. Snap
  4. Share

You can even make a collage out of them, or use them for a calendar, mugs… They can become next year’s gifts.

I can tell you that having this moment of pure love preserved means so very much, especially after that person is gone.

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, choosing to engage in this activity may give you something to do, something to focus on or a way deflect potentially problematic situations at holiday gatherings.

Will you participate?

TYPE “I Will” below and please come back and share some of the love you captured.

Give yourself and your loved ones a gift of loving memory captured for all time.

May you all enjoy the blessings of the holidays.

With Much Love,

Rev. Michele

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

(I reply to all comments personally!)


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